In the days leading up, today looked to be a pretty decent soaring day. The strong gusty winds we’ve seen for weeks were forecast to subside to a more friendly 8-10 kts. Jim Malecha arrived to tow, Andy Kozak, Bill Detrich, Brian Xander and, eventually, after having to w##k, Alasdair arrived to fly, Larry ran ground.
Soaring was not to happen today. Andy launched in the club 1-34 around 12:30 and towed to 2000′ AGL and released in a 200 fpm thermal…which quickly petered out and no more lift was found. As Jim landed the tug and taxied back to tow Brian, staged on the runway, Andy radioed “left downwind for 29, landing long on the grass.”
Right after Andy landed, Brian launched in VOL and towed to 3000′ AGL and found glassy smooth air.
Andy took a second tow to 2000′ and before he’d released, Brian radioed on downwind for landing.
With those results, Bill and Alasdair decided today was not meant for soaring. We all agreed that with it sunny and temps in the mid 50’s, it was a great day to be at the airport.
Jerry is towing tomorrow (Friday), Greg is the only sign up so far to fly. Tow pilot and instructors are available Saturday, so far no one has signed up to fly. C’mon out!
Sunday is Mother’s Day. Alasdair will be giving new member Tim Renner his first glider instructional flight if a tow pilot is available.
Please choose a date and put your name on the calendar to fly, tow, or run ground support.