Congratulations Ben Berg, NESA’s Newest Certificated Glider Pilot

Congratulations to Ben Berg, and his mom and dad who supported him, as he passed his Private Pilot-Glider Practical Test today!

Despite winds that were a bit gusty, he performed to the test standards over three flights and was awarded his Pilot Certificate. Way to go, Ben! Now you can take that growing list of family and friends for a glider flight!

From left, DPE Daryl Smith, CFI-G Jerry Smith, newly minted Glider Pilot Ben Berg, and CFI-G Alasdair Crawford.

Memorial Weekend Update

As of now Friday Wx marginal and Saturday Wx does not look good. So weekend plan slightly revised:

Fri – Will not have fully scheduled day. Alasdair has signed up to tow on the mid-week schedule. Will show up if we get a few pilots signing up under “Wanting Tows”. So, if you want to fly tomorrow, sign up. Sorry – no instruction;

Sat – Looking at the Wx we are calling Saturday a no-fly day. Operations cancelled.

Sun – Wx looks good. Full schedule of operations. Meeting / Cookout planned for Saturday will be moved to Sunday after flying

Memorial Day – Wx looks good – Full schedule of operations.

Hope to see a good turn-out Sunday and Monday. Come out and fly. As always, if you need instruction please sign up to help us plan.

See you at the airport.

Reminder: Memorial Weekend / Monthly Meeting/Cookout

As a reminder this weekend (Memorial weekend) is also the last weekend of the month so cookout and monthly membership meeting time – Saturday after flying. Bring a dish to share and an appetite.

Larry is keeping an eye on the weather and will update if needs to be pushed to Sunday. Hopefully most of you will be hanging for the extra day of flying anyway.

See you at the airport for the long weekend.

Weekend Report

Another nice weekend. Saturday while breezy had some good training activity and intro flights. Sunday (mothers day) brought great soaring conditions. B9, Q2, WQ, YZ, PT and Andy in the club 1-34 all took advantage of the conditions for some long soaring flights. New member Tim Renner (who holds a Private SEL) came out too and had his first glider lesson with Alasdair in one of the 2-33’s and with the great conditions got to experience what soaring is all about.

Weather looks decent all week. Remember the mid-week soaring sign-up on the scheduling system. If you want to fly or can volunteer to tow, please sign up!

NESA Celebrates Sink-o de Mayo

In the days leading up, today looked to be a pretty decent soaring day. The strong gusty winds we’ve seen for weeks were forecast to subside to a more friendly 8-10 kts. Jim Malecha arrived to tow, Andy Kozak, Bill Detrich, Brian Xander and, eventually, after having to w##k, Alasdair arrived to fly, Larry ran ground.

Soaring was not to happen today. Andy launched in the club 1-34 around 12:30 and towed to 2000′ AGL and released in a 200 fpm thermal…which quickly petered out and no more lift was found. As Jim landed the tug and taxied back to tow Brian, staged on the runway, Andy radioed “left downwind for 29, landing long on the grass.”

Right after Andy landed, Brian launched in VOL and towed to 3000′ AGL and found glassy smooth air.

Andy took a second tow to 2000′ and before he’d released, Brian radioed on downwind for landing.

With those results, Bill and Alasdair decided today was not meant for soaring. We all agreed that with it sunny and temps in the mid 50’s, it was a great day to be at the airport.

Jerry is towing tomorrow (Friday), Greg is the only sign up so far to fly. Tow pilot and instructors are available Saturday, so far no one has signed up to fly. C’mon out!

Sunday is Mother’s Day. Alasdair will be giving new member Tim Renner his first glider instructional flight if a tow pilot is available.

Please choose a date and put your name on the calendar to fly, tow, or run ground support.

Weekend Report

A great weekend of soaring!.

Saturday was breezy but saw good lift with lots of club member and intro flight activity. B9 reported 9,500ft in wave. Several flights of 3 hours or more. Monthly meeting on Saturday evening was lightly attended however and did not attain a quorum.

Sunday, was blue but again lift was great. The Orange 2-33 got assembled and flown, so all club ships are now back on the flight-line for the season. Several long flights again with altitudes up to about 8,000ft.

The season is in full Spring fling. Get out here and fly.

Weekend Updates (last & next)

Last: An unremarkable soaring weekend, but some useful early season stuff taken care of including – More club member spring Check-flights, A Flight Review, 2 new tow-pilots checked out in the Callair.

Next: Forecast for this weekend looks OK. We’d like to get more check-flights accomplished, get the Orange 2-33 assembled and back on-line and there is also the first of the monthly membership meetings scheduled for Saturday after flying. So, if you haven’t been out to the field yet this season, its time. See you this weekend.

A nice Monday & the Weekend Outlook

Despite a valiant attempt Easter Sunday was a bust due to snow squalls all day, so some folks took advantage of the weather today for a little Monday flying. Bill Batesole towed.

  • Charlie Freeman got glider current again flying the 2-33 and 1-26 and so we have one more instructor back on the list. At this point for CFI’s – Alasdair, Bill, Charlie, Jerry and Mark are all current. Only a couple more to go.
  • Moshe flew his Russia;
  • Greg Hunter got his Spring club check-out in the 2-33 with Charlie, then had a nice soaring flight in the Club 1-26.
  • Alasdair and Mark also re-checked out to instruct in the CAP gliders.

The forecast for Friday and the weekend looks decent so

  • If you haven’t been out to fly yet this season it’s time. Sign up now if you need a Spring check-flight or instruction.
  • Come out and help assemble the other 2-33 and the 1-34. It’s time to get some more club ships back on line.

Towing Check-outs

  • Anyone that needs a club towing check-out, please reach out asap. Bill, is our chief tow-pilot. He will be around until May 7th then travelling for a month, so if you’re in need of towing check-outs for the Callair, speak up now please.

See you at the airport soon.