Membership Meeting & ACE Set up this weekend

A couple of reminders for this weekend:

  • NESA Membership meeting is this Sat 7/27, 10am
  • There are some ACE Academy prep tasks that we could use help with this weekend such as terminal classroom set-up, hangar workshop area set-up, cutting and kitting wood for the wing-rib build, cleaning up a few additional wing-rib jigs etc. More info at the morning meeting but help appreciated.

Some Great OLC flights recently:

Erik (424k): OLC Flight information – Erik Nelson (US) – 22.05.2024 (

Andy (477k): OLC Flight information – Andy Kozak (US) – 26.05.2024 (

Lee (322k): OLC Flight information – Charles Lee Blair (US) – 03.06.2024 (

Or all 2024 OLC flights logged for KVSF for 2024: Flightbook – Hartness State (Spri (US) -2024 (

Region 1 Club Standings: Statistic: Club OLC 2024 – USA (

A Successful Memorial Day Weekend Cookout

We had a great cookout yesterday, after all the flying was done for the day. About 20 people attended, and a good time was had by all. Alasdair volunteered and organized a feast of grilled chicken, burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and Italian sausages. Several people bought salads or desserts.

Thanks to Alasdair for spearheading the event, and to all that attended for making it a success. The next afternoon cookout is scheduled for Labor Day weekend, but there is a lot of flying to be done between now and then.

Hope to see you out there.

Safety Meeting Recap

The safety meeting today was a success. We had 28 attend in person and another 16 online. We had a couple new members attend, and at least two joined after the meeting!

The weather did not allow us to assemble any gliders today, so our plan is to assemble tomorrow. Hopefully, we may be able to accomplish a couple currency flights before any weather gets to KVSF later in the day.

Hope to see you out there.

Safety Meeting Reminder

The annual safety meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 6. In order to allow as many people as possible to get to the meeting, coffee and donuts start at 9:15 and the meeting will begin at 10:00. Weather permitting, we will hold it at the KVSF terminal building. It will also be available on for those unable to attend in person. The link will be sent out next week. After the meeting, we hope to assemble gliders.

We will evaluate the weather forecast on Wednesday, April 3 and make a decision on how much of the meeting will be in person and when we will assemble the gliders.

Hope to see you there!

2024 ACE Academy Dates Set

This years ACE Academy (camp) will take place the week of Monday July 29th through Friday August 2nd.

A few organizational details to firm, but we expect to open up the application process within the next two weeks (we are updating the online applications process now).

NESA volunteers – please mark your calendars. More to follow soon.

Safety Meeting – Save the Date

The annual safety meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 6, from 9 am until noon, in the Springfield airport terminal building and online. We will send out an invitation with a link. The plan is to have lunch and then assemble a couple club gliders after the meeting. If the weather cooperates, we will begin conducting currency flights.