Annual Meeting & Dinner

A final reminder. The annual meeting and Dinner takes place January 11th at MacLaomainn’s in Chester, VT. Today is the last day to RSVP.

If you will be unable to attend please complete and submit your on-line absentee ballot forms or provide written proxy (by email to Colin) before the 11th.

Have a great New Year. We will see everyone on the 11th.

P.S. If you need a parachute re-pack for the beginning of the season, please bring and drop off your chute.

Happy New Year!

Winter Soaring 12/22

Nice day, calm winds on the ground, a little light wave to play with at altitude. If you haven’t joined the winter Soaring mailing list, don’t miss out on flying days – sign up!

Bill, Alasdair, Tim, Andy Lumley and Jerry did their best to exercise as many flying machines as possible.

Open some Christmas boxes.

Snowbird Report

The traditional way to work off Thanksgiving for Soaring pilots. This was the 80th annual Snowbird!

Spectacular weather Sat. and some fun spot landing practice. Thanks to Valley Soaring for letting me fly their 1-26. Good fun although had to skip the Banquet in the National Soaring Museum and run for home Saturday night before Sundays snow 🙁

Snowbird Scores: Results

Next year we need a NESA team.

Ready to go..
Valley Soaring 1-26

Let’s plan on holding our own spot landing contest at VSF Memorial weekend 2020. PMSC you have been challenged!

NOTE: Limited Winter Operations

Regular scheduled operations are closed for winter.

But… In the mean time, Gift Certificates remain available for both Introductory flights and Three flight introductory lesson packages. These can be bought on-line from the club website and make great holiday gifts. Flights can be redeemed anytime during the 2020 flying season.

And… The towplane has just had its annual inspection and is being kept insured to allow for some limited winter towing operations for private ships (basically when Tim predicts a wave day!).

Ships in the trailer hangar remain accessible (some assembly required).

All tucked away for winter :-(

Thank you to the huge crew that showed up today to help with getting all the club ships put away for winter everything was done in record time.

Both 2-33’s and the 1-34 in Alasdair’s Hangar
Neatly tucked away
1-26 in Bills shop ready for a little clean up
Meanwhile, over in Larry and Susan’s hangar…the Callair remains ready to go and we actually did a little Assembly after all the disassembly – the PW is finally back together after wave-camp and ready for a little winter soaring.

It was a perfect weather day to take care of it, the sun took the edge of the cold and Bill and Fitz even managed to get a little Cub flying in after everything was done. Awesome.

43rd Women’s Soaring Seminar – 24-28 August 2020, Springfield, VT

The New England Soaring Association (NESA) operates out of the Hartness State Airport (KVSF), Springfield, VT. KVSF is less than a 2 hour drive from the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and 2.5 hours drive from Boston Logan International Airport. While NESA is the primary sponsor, other New England clubs are helping out by supplying additional two-place gliders, XC mentor pilots, instructors, tow planes, tow pilots, and presenters for the week.

Mark your 2020 calendars!

Jan 11th – Club Annual Meeting and Dinner (Maclaomainn’s, Chester). Details coming soon.

6/26 – 7/5 – Region 1 Sports class contest. We need volunteers and tow-pilots to staff the week!

8/3 to 8/7 – Aviation Careers Education Camp (ACE). We need volunteers and tow-pilots.

8/24-8/28 – Womens Soaring Pilots Association Seminar. Guess what – we need volunteers, instructors and tow-pilots.

More details to come on all of these, but we have some great events lined up for next year to bring in visitors and fellow soaring pilots so plan to help out!

Weekend Update

Fairly quiet weekend here at KVSF with many folks either still at or travelling back from Wave Camp.

Still, we managed to get several instructional flights in both days. It really is nice, now that we are operating our own tug, to be able to keep operations going at the home field at the same time as wave camp is running in Gorham.

Thanks to Bob Iuliano and Alasdair Crawford for providing the towing and instruction both days.

Sunday Crew (photo by Dave Carton)

Visit to CNH

Greg made a short trip across the river and paid a visit to Claremont Airport today in the 1-34, landing runway 11. Alasdair promptly arrived with the Callair and after a quick turnaround, they quickly departed back to Springfield.

Welcome to Claremont!

What a great day for flying!