SSA Dues Reminder

All – Invoices went out today for SSA Dues for everyone renewing through the club under the SSA Chapter renewal program.

This years renewal period is 7/1/20 through 6/30/21. Those of you that joined the club more recently than last June or are participating in the chapter renewal for the first time and had an existing SSA membership expiring after 6/30/20 will see a prorated charge (rather than a full year) bringing your new renewal date to the 6/30/21.

The club must remit payment to the SSA to arrive by 6/5/20 to ensure all renewals are processed before expiry. We ask therefore that you please remit your payment promptly (by the 5/20 invoice due date) as for cash flow purposes we prefer to have received funds before having to remit funds to the SSA. Thanks for your help.


Regrettably, together with VAAC we have had to make the decision to cancel this years ACE camp.

VAAC annual event insurance is due this month in the amount of $1,500. With the Burlington camp already cancelled and only one camper (understandably) signed up for the Springfield camp, we are nowhere near breakeven numbers and would need to start laying out cash.

While we hate to cancel it would be unfair to deplete all our funds/donations received on a camp which may end up with only a handful of participants. The team has therefore decided to preserve funds for next year with the hope of being able to serve a full quota of campers next time around.

2020 Region 1 – Cancelled

Regrettably we have decided to cancel this years Region 1 contest. Several factors go into this decision:

  • VT stay at home order in place at least through May 15th. Even if lifted to schedule it will be some time thereafter before “gatherings” are either wise or acceptable;
  • SSA contest committee advising currently earliest that any contests will now retain or receive sanctioning will be sometime in July;
  • Understandably we have very few sign-ups thus far and are nowhere near the numbers required for break-even. As with all clubs NESA is taking a financial hit from COVID-19. This is not the year for us to move forward “at risk” financially with a contest that may or may not even be able to happen.

Thank you all for understanding.

Thank you

Thanks to everyone who attended todays Spring Safety Webinar. A fantastic turnout and some good information. It was just plain nice to get to talk with fellow frustrated club members and glider pilots.

Hopefully normality will return sooner rather than later. For now, stay safe and take advantage of some of this quarantine time to take some wings program sessions, read up on some accident reports and think about lessons learned, start studying for your next written, plan that next badge flight and polish your glider. Flying season will come at some point.

Meanwhile, we are planning to stick to our monthly member meeting and social gathering schedule – Of course this month it will probably take the form of a “virtual happy hour”. Keep an eye out for an invite later in the month.


VT Closes all non-essential businesses and non-profits

March 25, 2020

MARSHFIELD, Vt. (AP) — Gov. Phil Scott on Tuesday ordered in-person operations of non-essential businesses to close and Vermonters to stay home to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus as the number of deaths in the state rose by two to seven and confirmed cases increased to 95.

“I want to be very clear about this: We need everyone to limit activities outside of the home and to practice social distancing at all times to slow the spread of this highly contagious and potentially deadly virus,” he said in a written statement.

All businesses and not-for-profit entities not specifically exempted must suspend all in-person business operations by Wednesday at 5 p.m., the governor said. Online or phone operations, or sales through curbside pickup or delivery only, can continue, he said. Grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores, and health care operations and news media are exempt.


This unfortunately means that NESA will not be able to conduct any flight operations (including tows of private single seat ships which we had previously hoped to be able to continue) until this restriction is lifted by the state.

We will of course monitor the situation and send updates when and if things change. Thank you all for understanding. Stay safe. Hope to see everyone on the Safety Seminar Webinar on the 4th (lets face it, what else would you be going to do :-).

April 4th Safety WEBINAR

This years Spring safety meeting will be held as planned at 10am on the 4th but given the current COVID-19 situation, it will be conducted as an on-line WEBINAR not an in person meeting.

Agenda and webinar connection details will be distributed to everyone a few days before the event.

With respect to flight operations, we are continually monitoring the latest COVID-19 recommendations and re-evaluating how, when and if we can safely begin flying. The primary challenge being two-seater operations necessary for Spring check flights and training operations.

Sat 3/14 Winter Soaring Report

Six ships rigged today representing NESA, Post Mills and GBSC (BU,DW,EA,TH,i1,FS). Wind backed down to manageable level before noon. Four flew. Didn’t get the story from everyone at the end of the day, but the one pilot I did get a report from found wave lift to 14K+. Nice.

Spring is almost here. Hope to see folks at the airport soon. A 200ft rope currently qualifies as sufficient for social distancing/self isolation 😉

SSA Junior Scholarships 2020

The Soaring Society of America and U.S. Junior Soaring is pleased to announce it will be awarding an estimated twenty (20) $2,000 SSA Youth Flight Training Scholarships (to student pilots ages 13-24), in 2020, plus two (2) $1,000 Bultman Awards, and five (5) $750 Cadet Youth Flight Scholarships.

The Application Deadline for the Youth Flight Training Scholarship and Bultman Award is March 31, 2020. For more information about these scholarships go to:

Spring Safety Seminar Announcement

The date for the Spring Safety Seminar has been set for Saturday APRIL 4, 2020.

All members are asked to attend. Please mark your calendars and reserve the date. Detailed agenda t.b.a.

Weather and field conditions permitting we will fire up the grills for lunch and begin some glider assembly/washing in the afternoon.