Annual Meeting Reminder: 3pm Saturday 1/15/22

You can access the agenda, get instructions for the on-line meeting tool, add the meeting to your calendar (.ics) and access the Absentee ballot form (please use only if not attending in person) from the following link.

Everyone should have received a meeting notification a few weeks ago. Email invites with a direct connect link to the on-line meeting will be sent this week. If for any reason you do not receive an email invite you can alternatively use the above link to join.

See everyone (on-line) Saturday.

Happy New Year

Wishing all our members and friends a safe, healthy and Happy New Year.

2021 was a fairly positive year club wise. Let’s work for an even better 2022. So, start planning your 2022 soaring goals now.

We will see everyone at the Airport in the Spring and of course on-line for the annual meeting on January 15th.

Happy New Year.

Annual Meeting Announcement: 1-15-2022

Dear NESA members and friends.

What a difference a few weeks makes. At the Board meeting seven weeks ago, the vote was to hold an in-person dinner meeting. Last week it became apparent that with the increasing COVID rates and the new Omicron variant people were no longer comfortable attending a traditional large group dinner meeting.

Instead we have scheduled an online meeting for Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 3:00pm. We hope everyone will be able to join us.

Details to follow by email. Please be on the lookout for absentee ballots and meeting invites which will be emailed soon.


Gliders are in hibernation until spring

A big THANK YOU! to everyone who turned out to help with the annual inspections, disassembly and put away of the club ships yesterday.

At the risk of missing someone, the put away staff included club members Bill Batesole, Greg Hunter, Mark Farley, Ben Berg and dad Tim, Sebastian, Colby von Kannewurff and his grandfather, Larry and friend John Bruno, Erik Nelson, plus Rick Sheppe from Post Mills.

Another big THANK YOU! to Andy Gelston who did the annual inspections on the 1-26 and yellow 2-33. All club gliders are good to go at the start of the 2022 season.

You really shoulda been there…

A picture from the weekend courtesy of new NESA member Rick Beck who got his first flights with Charlie Freeman on Saturday. Rick lives in Walpole, NH and is a CFI and received his glider rating in 2019.

Greg Hunter flew Saturday and found lift over a small fire and stayed up for around an hour.

One weekend left before we retire until spring. Come out and fly!

11/7 Weekend

Gorgeous fall weekend – calm winds both days – perfect training conditions with lots of Junior activity…

Ben got his 90 day solo endorsement renewed Saturday and flew the 1-34 today. Colby flew the 1-26. Sebastian flew the 2-33 with Bill and got to Box the wake for the first time.

Big thanks to the whole crew this weekend for help disassembling the CAP Blanik yesterday and the Orange NESA 2-33 today. Remaining ships will remain on the line until the weekend of the 20th which will be winter disassembly.

Thanks also to Bill for servicing the Callair brakes this morning.

Only a couple of regularly scheduled activity weekends left in the season so come out and fly!!

Glider put-away date set for November 20

Your NESA Board of Directors met last night and set Saturday, November 20 as the official end of the season and gliders-into-storage day.

There are two more weekends before the 20th, so there should be some soaring still to be had. Get your name on the scheduling calendar and come out and fly!