RR flew a 7:40hr Wave flight out of Springfield on Friday. Southern turn at Baines, MA, Northern turn just a couple of miles before the Canadian border.
Regularly scheduled operations and introductory flights are now closed for the season.
Thanks to everyone that came out and flew this year. It was certainly a challenging year for weekend weather, but some good soaring was had too.
Members can use the club email lists (nesa and/or midweek) to coordinate any off-season flying and/or towing.
Information about the clubs annual winter meeting and dinner will be sent out soon.
All – A reminder for everyone to come out and fly this Saturday. Everyone can take part including solo & non-solo students. We will run both 2-33’s with instructors back-seat so everyone can participate. Cookout and results end of day.
Make up to 4 flights, log your best two.
Can you do better than last year’s winner?
Saturday we had some hot start issues with the Callair and ran the battery low. Putting it on charge did nothing. Sunday we finally figured out that the lightening on Friday fried the GFI sockets in the hangar and the issue was magically solved when we found and plugged the charger into the one socket that actually still worked! Duh. So, after a slightly delayed start Sunday proved to be a great soaring day and finally a lot of ships got out of their boxes..
FYI – Fridays lightening also took out the gas pump and the main gate. Hopefully both will be back in business for next weekend.
Here is a small sampling of photographs and a video from this weeks ACE camp. Thank you to all of the NESA folks who helped out – ACE Camp Wrap Up – 2023 | New England Soaring Association (flynesa.com)
Until next year..
This Sunday, between or after your flying please ask what help you can give to set up for ACE Camp (which starts Monday morning)… we need to get the classroom set-up in the terminal, clean the terminal, stock the refrigerator cut wood for the wing-rib workshops etc., etc.
You can check CHUGs status at: Special Use Airspace & Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace (faa.gov) Click on the Text List then filter by state.
Last fall the SSA distributed Open Glider Network tracking stations to clubs. We bench tested everything over the winter and the NESA glider tracking station is ready to install in the terminal building.
If you have a Flarm or OGN tracker device installed in your glider please register it in the OGN database. This will enable us to monitor club member flights real-time. To register your device use this link: http://ddb.glidernet.org/
To view tracker map use this link: https://glideandseek.com/?viewport=43.35814,-72.96570,9
A great weekend. Lots of soaring activity Friday with numerous NESA and PMSC ships flying and people getting good long soaring flights. Saturday, much more club activity – spring check rides, Flight Reviews and more. Sunday weather didn’t really cooperate, and we bagged the day rather than having everyone sit around for hours waiting for the ceiling to lift.
Looks like a nice Friday coming up, for the weekend regardless of weather, let’s get the other 2-33 and the 1-34 assembled and back on the line.