This from Larry Perry
I heard from Bill Batesole this morning, and due to an unanticipated improvement in the weather and a few hours of unexpected “free time” available from NESA’s favorite FedEx driver, the yellow 2-33 is another step closer to being back in service.
Although the wx forecast yesterday called for mostly overcast skies with showers, the forecasters changed their minds this morning to at least partly sunny skies and low winds.
At mid-late morning there was a fair amount of activity at VSF…Walter had (of course) arrived, and N60AB, the owner of the Beech Duke that commutes between ISP and VSF, was on final. The Upper Valley Flight Club’s C-172 was flying patterns. B2 arrived and towed Walter to 2500′ and by the time the Pawnee landed, Walter was climbing through 6000′
Bill did the work that required brains, I provided the brawn, or that amount I had available. Bill was hoping to get two more cross-coats of primer on both sides of the 2-33 tail feathers, and that went much smoother than expected. With the sun and weather holding up, Bill was able to get the final primer coats on the nose of the 2-33, as well.
As we finished packing the 2-33 fuselage back into Bill’s workshop around 3:30 pm, Walter called overhead, inbound to land. A pretty spectacular soaring day.