Congratulations to Ben Berg for passing his Private Airplane flight test with DPE Daryl Smith. Ben and Bill (his instructor) have been busy flying the Cessna 182 to meet all the requirements for the rating. This included night flying, instrument training, cross-country and solo cross-country flights plus all the maneuvers required. Ben taught himself flying skills using his home flight simulator, achieving a high level of proficiency before he started his actual flying in the 182. Ben learned to fly in sailplanes and he achieved his Private Glider Pilot rating, so he knew how to fly, adding the engine was easy.
Ben is another NESA success story, teaching junior members how to fly. The Honor Roll list of NESA juniors going on to aviation careers is long. ACE Camp and the CAP Glider programs with the dedication of skilled volunteers are are also making a big difference in introducing young people to the world of aviation and all this is happening at Hartness State Airport KVSF.
We have a lot to be proud of.