Thanks to the efforts of NESA stalwarts Bill B, Jerry S, Greg H, Steve H, Jim M, Ben B, Brian X, Cameron C, Paul H, Larry P and A&P/IA Andy Gelston, the club’s yellow 2-33 and 1-26 received their annual inspections Friday and all five club aircraft were secure in club member’s hangars at the end of the day Saturday. All are ready for flight at the first sign of spring. Thanks, Bill, for the delicious potato leek soup both days!
Club members achieved several milestones this season. NESA welcomed eight new members in 2022. Jim Malecha, former chief tow pilot for the Memphis Soaring Society, relocated to the New London area a few years ago and joined in January, piloted the Callair for 147 tows throughout the season, and attained the CFI-G rating in October. Steve Hurd soloed.
On the junior front, Ben Berg attained his Private Pilot-Glider certificate in June and soloed in Bill’s Cub in September. Colby passed his written and Sebastian made his first solo!
356 tows in 2021, 441 this year, an increase of 24%, still a bit low but directionally indicating a return to more “normal” times.
Watch for updates concerning the club Annual Meeting in January.