Holiday weekend is coming. Forecast looks good for 4 days of flying and we have instructors any tow-pilots available Friday through Monday. Students please sign-up for whatever days you can fly and all members come on out on and lets fly!

Here’s a summary in pictures: ACE Camp 2022: Wrap up Pictorial
Thanks to the entire NESA membership for making this happen. Enjoy the pictures.
– Alasdair & Larry
A reminder that ACE camp runs Monday (15th) to Friday (19th) next week. The primary flying days are Monday and Thursday. Looks like we have tow-pilots and glider pilots covered, but if you have a power plane and can help flying campers for Intro or Young Eagles flights please joing us whichever of those days you can and help out.
Sat Wx, does not look great so we haven’t fully staffed. Alasdair (being local) will be availble to tow is Wx turns out better than forecast. Full normal Student operations Sunday.