Quiet for last day of season. The 1-26 got its final exercise for 2020.
Gliders come off flight insurance 12/1. Callair tug will remain in flight status for private tows over the winter.
The Callair, 1-26 and yellow 2-33 all got their annual inspections this week and are ready to go for next season. The 1-34 isn’t due until Aug 21.
2-33 and 1-34 are now stored for winter. 1-26 still available for this weekend – goes into the hangar Sunday after flying..
The SSA Youth/Junior Committee is now accepting applications for 2021 Flight Training Scholarships. These include pre-solo and post-solo opportunities. Visit https://www.ssa.org/youth for more information and applications and applicable deadlines. Check back occasionally as more opportunities may develop.
Nice day for November in VT. Some lift. Ben had a couple of good flights in the 1-26 and managed to do a little Soaring.
Next weekend will be the last scheduled operation for the season. We start the annuals of the fleet this week.
Tug will be kept in flying status with insurance – so hopefully we will get a little unscheduled winter Soaring in as weather allows.
Big thanks to today’s all Vermont crew – Larry, Mark, Andy K., Alasdair, Ben and Tim (Ben’s dad).
After Ben and Mark made some brief 1-26 flights (there wasn’t really any lift), the 1-34 and 2-33 were disassembled, put on their trailers and tucked away in Alasdair’s hangar for the winter.
The season isn’t quite over though – the 1-26 is still on the field for another week or so, so come out and fly it!
Due to rising COVID-19 case counts across the Northeast, effective on November 10, 2020, the State of Vermont has suspended its leisure travel map and implemented a mandatory quarantine for anyone returning or traveling to Vermont.
For our VT resident members
For our members from out of state
For more details of current restrictions please see the VT Quarantine Requirements website.
Congrats to Ben on now being a 1-26 pilot. Couple of nice flights last weekend. Rock solid on take-off and climb out with zero hint of any of the typical first time 1-26 pilot PIO twitch. Nice job Ben.