Mark your 2020 calendars!

Jan 11th – Club Annual Meeting and Dinner (Maclaomainn’s, Chester). Details coming soon.

6/26 – 7/5 – Region 1 Sports class contest. We need volunteers and tow-pilots to staff the week!

8/3 to 8/7 – Aviation Careers Education Camp (ACE). We need volunteers and tow-pilots.

8/24-8/28 – Womens Soaring Pilots Association Seminar. Guess what – we need volunteers, instructors and tow-pilots.

More details to come on all of these, but we have some great events lined up for next year to bring in visitors and fellow soaring pilots so plan to help out!

Weekend Update

Fairly quiet weekend here at KVSF with many folks either still at or travelling back from Wave Camp.

Still, we managed to get several instructional flights in both days. It really is nice, now that we are operating our own tug, to be able to keep operations going at the home field at the same time as wave camp is running in Gorham.

Thanks to Bob Iuliano and Alasdair Crawford for providing the towing and instruction both days.

Sunday Crew (photo by Dave Carton)

Visit to CNH

Greg made a short trip across the river and paid a visit to Claremont Airport today in the 1-34, landing runway 11. Alasdair promptly arrived with the Callair and after a quick turnaround, they quickly departed back to Springfield.

Welcome to Claremont!

What a great day for flying!